online) and Luenberger's "Optimization by Vector Space Methods". The chapter numbers in these notes refer to Boyd and Vandenberghe's text. Rough list of topics covered: convexity of sets and functions, formulation of convex programs (from linear programs to semi-definite programs), duality, applications, Hilbert and Banach spaces, minimum-norm problems in Banach spaces, the Hahn-Banach Theorem.
Notes covering more technical material in the "Foundations of Optimization" class above, including duality, KKT conditions, no-convex program and more.A copy of the cheat sheet I used for the deterministic part of my qualifying exams.Some notes on game theory based on "Microeconomic Theory" taken during a course by Prof Paolo Siconolfi.MBA classes I TAed: - Managerial Statistics (Columbia) introduces students to the rudiments of frequentist statistics, including probability, normal distributions, confidence intervals and hypothesis tests. I prepared a number of "cheat sheets" for us in the course on confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, understanding Excel's regression output, and looking up t-values and z-values in statistical tables.
- Decision Models (Columbia) introduced MBA students to optimization and simulation using Risk Solver Platform in Excel (this is since been replaced by Business Analytics, above). I wrote some review sessions to help clarify concepts and provide some practice; here they are, with solutions (Excel files require Risk Solver platform) - review 1 (pdf, xls), 2 (pdf, xls), 3 (pdf, xls), 4 (pdf, xls), 5 (pdf, xls). I also prepared a presentation to review confidence intervals.
I also TAed a PhD class on Convex Optimization for Prof Garud Iyengar. I designed a number of review sessions for the class; - Review session 1 (convex sets, convex cones, dual cones); pdf
- Review session 2 (convex functions, convex conjugates, simple application to risk measures); pdf
- Review session 3 (convex programs in standard form (LP, QP, QCQP, SOCP and SDP) with applications, including sparse and robust optimization; one small part of the proof is omitted); pdf
- Review session 4 (duality, with applications; including adversarial optimization); pdf
- Review session 5 (various applications of SDPs, introduction to infinite-dimensional optimization); pdf
- Review session 7 (more infinite-dimensional optimization; Banach spaces); pdf
- Midterm review pdf
University of Cambridge - Part III Mathematics/Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics/Masters of Mathematics
- Actuarial Statistics: course notes, based on lectures by Susan Pitts, covering aggregate claims, reinsurance, ruin probabilities, no-claim-discount systems, credibility theory and run-off triangles. Solutions to the 2006 paper.
- Biostatistics: notes on survival data analysis, based on lectures and handouts by Peter Treasure. Notes on deriving the samples size required for a test of given power when comparing proportions.
- Mathematics of Operational Research: notes, based on lectures notes by Richard Weber, the book Introduction to Linear Optimization and the book Games, Theory and Applications, by L.C. Thomas. Covering optimization (including primal simplex, dual simplex and integer linear programming), algorithms on graphs, a very short section on complexity theory, game theory (zero-sum games, non-zero-sum games, cooperative games, bargaining, market games and evolutionary games) and regret minimization. An example of using Gomory's Cutting Plane method to solve an integer linear program.
- Monte Carlo Inference: notes based on lectures by Robert Gramacy, covering random number generation, nonparametric inference (importance sampling, control variates, antithetic variables, the bootstrap, the jacknife, bootstrap tests), bayesian inference (Markov Chain Monte Carlo, including the Gibbs Sampler and the Metropolis Hastings Algorithm, reverse jump MCMC, sequential importance sampling) and classical inference (simulated annealing, expectation maximisation).
- Statistical Theory and Applied Statistics: notes, based on lectures by Richard Samworth and Susan Pitts, and practicals organized by Susan Pitts. Covering linear models (including ANOVA, geometric interpretation and formal treatment of the variance using Cochran's Theorem), likelihood theory, generalized linear models (logistic regression, Poisson regression, contingency tables), high-dimensional models (Hodge's estimator, the Stein estimator, ridge regression, the LASSO, SCAD, LARS), multiple testing (the Bonferroni correction and the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure) and application of LMs and GLMs in R. Includes solutions to many example sheet problems. Note that the proofs of Slutsky's Theorem and of the asymptotic normality of MLEs are still not complete.
- In my fourth year at Cambridge, I spent a considerable amount of time running example classes for first-year students. This page contains the materials I created for this purpose
- Examples classes
- Additional problems
- Miscellaneous
Work at MIT
- Quantum Mechanics II (8.05): review notes for the final exam.
- Relativity (8.033): miscellaneous notes on various parts of the class.
- String Theory for Undergraduates (8.251): miscellaneous partial notes (1, 2, 3) taken during the class, unlikely to be anywhere near as good as the course book by Prof Barton Zweibach who taught it.
- Statistical Mechanics (8.333): miscellaneous partial notes, which might be useful in that they cover some topics in painful detail.
- Optimization Methods in Management Science (15.052): exam review notes (1, 2, 3).
- While at MIT, I was fortunate to work as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for courses 8.01 (Classical Mechanics) and 8.02 (Electromagnetism). Here is the materials I created for these classes
- Course 8.01 (Classical Mechanics)
- Review sessions
- Handout explaining the no-slip condition for a rolling object
- A formula sheet summarizing many of the equations of classical mechanics
- A very long handout explaining how to deal with mechanics problems involving continuous mass transfer
- A presentation on simple harmonic motion
- Practice problems
- Course 8.02 (Electromagnetism)
- Notes from a review session covering self-inductance, Maxwell's Equations, Electromagnetic waves (including the Poynting vector), diffraction and interference. I also went through some practice questions with solutions.
- A guide to surface/flux integrals for perplexed 8.02 physicists.
University of Cambridge - Part IB Natural Sciences
University of Cambridge - Part IA Natural Sciences
- Physics: notes on mechanics, special relativity, waves, circuits, and thermodynamics (which, I believe, is no longer part of the IA syllabus).
- Chemistry
- Mathematics: notes on calculus, continuity and differentiability, coordinate systems, differential equations, functions of several variables, limits, power series, probability, series, vectors and miscellaneous stuff.
- Biology of Cells
- Macromolecules - notes on macromolecules and mind map on membranes.
- Chemistry of life - notes on general principles of metabolism (with mind map), amino acid biosynthesis (with mind map), fatty acid synthesis and degradation, glycolysis and gluconeogenesis (with mind map), oxidative phosphorylation, the Calvin cycle and the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway , the Citric Acid cycle, metabolic control and integration of metabolism (with mind map) and the light reactions of photosynthesis.
- Hunting the Gene - mind map.
- Genes in action - mind maps on DNA replication, RNA replication, transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, introduction to translation, translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, control of gene expression in bacteria and eukaryotes, DNA damage and repair and post-transcriptional RNA modification.
- The Genetic Revolution - mind maps on chromosomes, gene and genome sequencing, the genetics of human disease, the molecular basis of human disease, genomes and gene cloning and functional genomics.
- Cell proliferation - mind maps on on how cells cycle, patterns of proliferation, viral reproduction and other bits.
- Cell signaling - mind map
- Development - mind map
- Notes on practicals - michaelmas, microscopy, MolStruc, bacterial practicals, and genetic practicals.